Cut paper illustration - Chelsea Lynn La Bate
Finding Your Focus $29.00
Join the Songcrafter community to find your focus!
This virtual workshop presents stories on distraction, finding your sweet spot, procrastination, eliminating interruptions, crazy head, the practice of one act at a time, prioritizing and focus.
Find your songcrafter notebook and get ready!
This workshop includes
Audio mp3s :
Engaging prose stories to inspire lyrical writing
Authentic writing prompts
Full length original songs by Ten Cent Poetry
Songwriting tutorials
PDF : Includes all stories, prompts and tutorials
Access : To online Songcrafter community
"This is the Artist Way for songwriters. Brilliant. Engaging. Life supporting."- BJ Leiderman, NPR
"Hysterically funny, informative, smart and fascinating. A teacher for any creative."
- Miranda Gray, egg tempera painter
"Solid, utilitarian, proven content. Engaging, entertaining and delightful to listen to. "
- Melvin Hersfield
"Incredibly good show. It simply doesn't get any better." - Davyne Dial, owner WPVM
"NPR needs a fresh, female voice. This series is medicine." - Jor Sutton, drummer
"Not every good artist is a a good teacher. Chelsea is both. Chelsea tells stories to teach, but if you take the teaching elements out, they are pure prose and beauty." - Valorie Miller songwriter
"(Chelsea) is holding the torch for all of us who are on a career path that doesn’t’ have a clear path."
- Gina Caldwell violist, music educator
How it works: Upon payment all materials will be received through your email, along with receipt and password for The Songcrafter's Lounge.
Bundle it!
4 course bundle - $99
8 courses bundle - $199
2 courses bundle - $329
16 courses bundle - $429
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